Here is where you will find any news or events we will be having.
Meet and Greet
Once the book is off the ground I will update with dates, times, and locations of where you can meet the authors for book signings and Q and A.
Check out the Superi World Facebook page and Instagram @SuperiWorld to hear about other contest held.
Whats Next
What is next for the world of Superi...
Book Four of the Superi series is in the set to be release Nov. 30th!! Be on the look out for Superi: Reignited!!
Join the Superian Street Team the Angeli Chasers and get swag and more just for posting and writing reviews about Superi!!
To join click the banner and you will be directed to the Superian Street Team Facebook page where you can ask to join!!
Find us on Instagram @SuperiWorld and be sure to tag #superiworld in your photos from events, with your books, and showing your support!!
If you have any suggestions for characters and descriptions to add in later books we would love to hear them so please send them to us via the Contact page.